So, yesterday my husband decided he was craving variniky….so, he started on it and the huge mound of dough and large pot of mashed potato with fried onion’s  for the filling. My arms really got a work out from rolling  out hundreds. They ate a whole bunch for dinner and lunch and dinner today, as well as filled several bags for the freezer. I took a picture, but could not find out where my camera cord is….I will add it when I find it. it makes it nice to have them for convenient dinners though in the freezer. I was thinking I might make some raviolis to put in the freezer too.



Make mashed potatoes with milk and salt, fry diced onions  in some oil and add to potatoes.


5 c. water

1/2-1 c. melted butter (we used 1/2 c.)

Salt- like a teaspoon or so

Add flour until stiff enough it does not stick to the counter.

Roll out into circles, thin, but not too thin….fill with potato filling and seal edges to form a half moon. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add some salt,  and drop them in the boiling water. When they start to float…..they will be done and you can serve with more fried onions, sour cream or  butter…..

So, now I just took a warm bubble bath, had a cup of tea, read a book  and am thinking about the school week!!!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Nike Chillemi

    Wow…a husband who makes Varinky…you certaionly are blessed. Of course, I note you did a lot of the rolling. LOL

    I’m a homeschooling mom and I’m thinking about the school week too. :)

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