

My Review:

My heart overflowed with joy at a Christmas gift from the author of allowing me to read this book ahead of the time of publishing.
Christmas and Melanie Dickerson go together like cinnamon, Christmas trees and wrapped gifts do for other people. I made my own special tradition of reading her novels, preferably her latest novel on Christmas every year. So far, I have gotten to start a new one every year for last several years, curled in my Pj’s, by the light of my sister’s tree. I have loved her fairy tale rewrites so much, I wondered if I could like her regency reads just as well. I shouldn’t have worried.

The heroine of this tale is spunky, but not over the top in an irritating way. She is strong, and has definite thoughts of why she does what she does. I loved her! Her hero took a bit to grow on me, but like all “Mr. Darcy” like characters, we realized who he was under the prickles.

If you love a good regency, with hints of romance, without any graphic details, kisses or the like, this is perfect! It was just right. It hit the spot in a wonderful way.

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